July, 27

Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights

07/21/2017 10:21:58 am
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Media: "The LNR does not see necessity of acceptance of certain next "political decision" on a question of prisoners' exchange. This was stated by the authorized representative of the LNR at the Minsk negotiations Vladislav Danego".

Media: "The People's Militia of the LNR held training exercises for deputies of the People's Council of the Republic in the framework of field training. The deputies have mastered skills of shooting from pistol, machine gun, large-caliber machine gun and antiaircraft mount".

Media: "The LNR police intensified the carrying out of the door-to-door round because of the increased sabotage. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the active carrying out of the door-to-door rounds over the past two weeks caused concern among the residents of Luhansk, as such events in the city were not practiced earlier. During the last two weeks, the police talked with the city folk during the door-to-door round, registered new tenants or updated the available information, identified the places of residence of suspicious citizens. "The fact is that the door-to-door round is the norm, which was practically not fulfilled in Ukraine. Naturally, now, when we began to carry out rounds, it seemed to the citizens as something wild and incomprehensible", - the MIA explained".

Media: "The LNR made a partial payment for water to Popasnianskyi Vodokanal of Ukraine. This was stated by the authorized representative of the LNR at the Minsk negotiations Vladislav Danego. "We tried the payment mechanism (for water), it worked, the payment for water was partially sent to our water supplier – Popasnianskyi Vodokanal. We had to go to the territory of Ukraine in order to transfer these funds. Nevertheless, we have taken this step to drive the issue of payment of water from the dead-lock".

Media: "The deputy head of the People's Council of the DNR Olga Makeyeva mentioned a successful work of the DNR authorities in the implementation of humanitarian program for the reunification of the people of Donbass. "Since the approval of humanitarian program for the reunification of the people of Donbass by the heads of the DNR and the LNR, more than five months have passed. In my opinion, we managed to convince the people that the Republic is ready to help, hear and respond to people's appeals and do everything to erase the conditional border, with the help of which Kyiv authorities tried to differentiate the people of Donbass".

"The DNR Ministry of Education and Science": "The decision of the Higher Attestation Commission approved the first in the DNR doctor of medical sciences – the pro-rector for science of M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University Andrey Kolesnikov. The first candidates of philological sciences were approved – Larisa Shokotko, lecturer at the Russian Language Department of the Philological Faculty of Donetsk National University, and Mikhail Yastrebov-Pestritskiy, leading specialist of the State Archivesof the Russian Federation and representative of the Russian Federation".

Media: "About 50% of the imported in the LNR products are food products. This was reported by the Acting Minister of Industry and Trade of the republic Igor Gorbatenkov".

Media: "Sverdlovsk Machine-Building Plant of the LNR secured the order from Russia for repair of about 100 sections of shore".

Media: "The LNR Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment instituted 18 administrative cases in July for deliberate grass fire on agricultural fields".

Media: "Luhansk Auto Service College accepted documents from five entrants according to the Humanitarian program".

Media: "The DNP congratulated chess players and all the Donbass residents on the International Chess Day".