September, 8

Most Ukrainians believe that Donbass is Ukraine – the survey

06/13/2017 04:15:29 pm
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Most Ukrainians believe that Donbass must stay part of Ukraine. This is evidenced by the results of a survey held in May by the US International Republic Institute (IRI) analytical center, - UNIAN reports.

It is noted that the same opinion is also observed by respondents from the part of Donbass, controlled by Ukraine.

Thus, according to the survey results, 80% of Ukrainians throughout the country and 73% in the Donbass are convinced that the region of Donbass, controlled by the separatists, must stay part of Ukraine. At the same time, 60% of respondents in Ukraine do not believe that the government does enough in order to keep control over the liberated areas in the region. 72% named the improvement of economic situation and the creation of workplaces the best measures to keep the Donbass in Ukraine.

"The data indicates that the people of Ukraine will not accept the separation of their country's territory", - the director of IRI on Eurasian affairs Steven Nix comments on the survey results.

"Three years after the outbreak of the conflict in the east of Ukraine, which took away 10 thousand lives and caused 1.7 million people to move, Ukrainians remain resolute in their desire to restore the territorial integrity and in their rejection of the illegal occupation by separatists, supported by Russia", - he added.