September, 8

Klimkin does not exclude the possibility that the US will join the Normandy format

05/10/2017 03:46:33 pm
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US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will act as Ukraine's advocate in the negotiations with Russia and the United States might join the Normandy format of negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the Donbass conflict, the TSN.Ranok program aired by the 1+1 TV channel quoted Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin as saying.

According to P.Klimkin, Tillerson was well informed about Moscow's aggression against Ukraine, they also discussed various options for resolving the situation. He added that the US might join Ukraine, Germany and France in the Normandy format negotiations with Russia, but what is really important is efficiency of these negotiations rather than their format.

Klimkin will stay in Washington DC until Wednesday evening, when US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is scheduled to meet with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov to discuss Ukraine and Syria. Klimkin was not invited to join them, but Tillerson promised to act as Ukraine's advocate in the negotiations with Russia.

 “Tillerson understands not just the logic of our common stand in general but is also aware of details. It falls on him now to pressure Lavrov. I very much hope that he will succeed... We have had a very detailed phone call; perhaps it makes sense for us to meet [to address] the results of the latest contacts with the Russian side", - Klimkin noted.