July, 27

Election in the occupied Donbass is possible only after Ukraine's access to the borders with Russia - Merkel

05/03/2017 09:54:10 am
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A political decision to hold the local election in the Donbass can be ensured after Ukraine obtains access to the border. This was announced by the Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel at a joint press conference with the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in Sochi, - UNIAN reports.

"Of course, we want to ensure that Ukraine obtains access to its state border, this is also part of the Minsk agreements, and then to provide a political solution aimed at holding local election", - Merkel said.

She stressed that this has not yet been achieved, but it does not mean that we can forget about the existing agreements and the conclusion of new agreements. "The problem is not the conclusion of an agreement, but the implementation of this agreement. This is the key to the solution", - Angela Merkel said.