July, 27

Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights

04/20/2017 11:10:10 am
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Media: "The statements of the Ukrainian representative in the Minsk humanitarian subgroup Iryna Gerashchenko that the failure of the verification process of the prisoners is the fault of the DPR are untrue and are a provocation. This was stated by Dariya Morozova, the DPR human-rights ombudsman".

"Deputy commander of the operational command of the DPR Eduard Basurin”: "The deployment of the division of the 12th Battalion of 72 separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was revealed on the territory of the Avdiivka Coke Plant".

"The first deputy chairman of the Pension Fund of the LPR" Anna Mosina: "In the first quarter of 2017, more than 5.3 thousand citizens of the republic applied for payment of financial assistance for burial, which is USD 83".

Media: "On April 19, Lenin's Square in Donetsk turned into the main sports and leisure area of ​​the republic. More than 1000 residents of different ages attended the event. It began with a mass physical drill. The residents were not afraid of the bad weather: the sky was overcast, sometimes it drizzled, the temperature was rather low".

"Operational command of the DPR": "Donetsk People's Republic will celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory Day with a large-scale parade of military equipment of the Great Patriotic War times".

Media: "On April 20, the state enterprise Luhanskvoda will limit the water supply to the central part of Luhansk in connection with the emergency restoration work - from 6am till approximately 8pm".

“Donetsk city administration": "For personal safety during the memorial days it is forbidden to visit the cemeteries that are located in the area of military operations - the cemetery Novo-Ignatyevskoye (Iverskoe) in Kyivsky district, Stratonavtov Str, as well as the cemetery of the village 15-Zastantsionny in Kuybyshevsky district, Stratonavtov Str. The cemeteries are dangerous because of the possible presence of unexploded ordnance and mines on their territories, as well as continuous artillery shelling in the areas".

Media: "Within the framework of the humanitarian program for the reunification of the Donbas people, the authorities of the DPR have paid material assistance to a 99-year-old woman veteran of the Great Patriotic War who lives in the Ukraine controlled part of the Donetsk oblast. Despite her old age, the veteran expressed a desire to personally thank the leadership of the republic for appreciation of the unfadable act of courage and the financial assistance".

Media: "The number of pensioners in the LPR increased by 5.6 thousand over a year. In addition, more than 12 thousand pensioners of defense and law enforcement agencies are also registered in the Pension Fund of the LPR".

Media: "The DPR invited residents from the territory under Kyiv's control to take part in dance competitions".