October, 24

Owners of the "Ukrainian" Zasyadko mine declare the payment of USD 4.5 million to the "DPR" - Khodakovsky

03/13/2017 12:17:44 pm
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About USD 4.5 million were paid to the budget of the "DPR" by the Zasyadko mine, which worked under Ukrainian jurisdiction in occupied Donetsk. This was reported by the creator of the terrorist battalion Vostok Alexander Khodakovskiy with reference to the speech of representatives of the owners of the coal enterprise allegedly working under Ukrainian laws.

After the introduction of the "external management" at the mine, the militants had an the issue of transferring the work collective under the control of the "DPR" - Khodakovskiy wrote on his Vkontakte page. Certain difficulties were created by the former owners of the mine (tenants - OstroV), who told the miners that they "honestly" paid the taxes to the occupation authorities.

"The owners... for some reason told the labor collective that the claims of non-payment of taxes to the republican budget are not legitimate, since, according to them, only in the last six months of 2016 they paid about USD 4.5 million of taxes to the DPR, "- A. Khodakovskiy wrote.

He does not exclude that the enterprise paid these "taxes" to militants in cash. "I believe that the money was transferred in cash, so it is impossible to confirm or deny this statement, as well as to find out how many of these funds really got into the budget", -  the terrorist sums up.

As it was informed earlier, the “DPR/LPR” announced the de facto confiscation of all enterprises under Ukrainian jurisdiction operating in the occupied territories. The leitmotif of this "nationalization" was the claim that Ukrainian business did not pay taxes to the budgets of the "republics".

Reference. Zasyadko Mine is a coal mining enterprise, one of the largest enterprises of this industry in Ukraine. It was put into operation in 1958 and was named after Alexander Zasyadko, the Minister of Coal Industry of the USSR in 1949-1955. In 1979, Yefim Zvyagilsky was appointed to the post of director of the mine by the decision of the Ministry of Coal Industry of the Ukrainian SSR and the leadership of the Donetsk oblast. Until 1992, Zvyagilsky was the director of the mine, and then was elected the honorary president of the enterprise, being the de facto owner of the mine. Currently, Yefim Zvyagilsky is Ukraine’s MP from the Opposition bloc.