October, 24

Militants do not include scientist Kozlovsky in the lists for exchange. He was not a prisoner, but a "citizen of the DPR" for them

02/16/2017 01:51:17 pm
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The religious studies scholar Ihor Kozlovsky, detained in the "DPR", is not included in the lists for the prisoners' exchange, alleging as the reason that he is allegedly a "citizen" of the pseudo republic. This was stated by the scientist's nephew Denis Kozlovsky at a press conference in Kiev today.

According to him, Ihor Kozlovsky was in captivity of the "DPR" already 387 days. Denis Kozlovsky noted that the family of the scientist is trying to effect his release in many ways for more than a year.

"We constantly communicate with the representatives of the Ukrainian side in Minsk. The issue of the release of Ihor Kozlovsky is raised at each meeting in Minsk. But as you know, there are constant refusals under various pretexts from that side - the so-called "DPR". For example, the last one was because he is a citizen of the "DPR", but it is not clear how it happened and how they determine who is a citizen and who is not. They refuse to include him in the lists for exchange, alleging as their reason that he is a citizen of the "DPR". And so there is almost no hope that the exchange will happen and he will be released in the near future ", - Denis Kozlovsky noted.

According to his wife, Valentyna Kozlovska, the last connection with the religious studies scholar was more than two months ago.

"The last connection with Ihor was on December 6. He said by the phone that he would stay as long as it is possible. There are already health problems, a poor lighting in the cell and he cannot read the books. His space was limited with the cell of one and a half to three meters seize in the damp and cold basement", - she said.

The well-known religious studies scholar, President of the Center of Religion Studies Researches and International Spiritual Relations Ihor Kozlovsky was detained in the occupied Donetsk in January 2016. The militants initially accused I. Kozlovsky that he has kept weapons illegally, then – in the "espionage". The Ukrainian side constantly raises the issue of his release at different levels at the negotiations in Minsk, but there is no result.