September, 8

Tuesday results in the occupied territories of the Donbass. The highlights

02/01/2017 11:04:20 am
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Media: "The chairmen of People's Councils of the DPR and LPR Denys Pushilin and Volodymyr Degtyarenko made a joint appeal to the leaders of Russia, the USA and Germany. "Please make Ukraine and Poroshenko stop the criminal activities against the people of the Donbass. Make Poroshenko stop shooting at civilians and lift the economic blockade. This must be done before it is too late. Before the environmental and humanitarian disaster occurs here. We need to prevent any more trouble," – was stated in the appeal".

"The leader of the DPR" Oleksandr Zakharchenko: "Ukraine has begun fighting only because Russia and the United States have begun attempting to find common ground. And knowing that Ukraine will not get anything good of it, Poroshenko gave the order an attack the DPR".

Media: "The State Security Ministry of the DPR prevented an act of terrorism, which Ukraine's special services tried to organize in one of the military units of the republic".

Media: "Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DPR began evacuating residents of the northern part of Donetsk, who wanted to wait through the attacks in a safe place. According to the authorities, 12 people were already transported to a safe place. About the same number of citizens expect to be transported in the nearest future".

Media: "The employees of the Emergencies Ministry of the DPR lifted 122 miners to the surface of the de-energized Donetsk Zasyadko mine".

Media: "The population of the frontline Dokuchaevsk town reached 21 thousand people, which is 90 percent of the pre-war number of inhabitants. The head of town administration Oleksandr Kachanov said this to the media".

Media: "Leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitskiy confirmed the authenticity of the statement, posted on the website of the Information Center of Luhansk, in which he expressed his support to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the LPR Serhiy Kozlov".

Media: "About 12 thousands of the LPR citizens opened current accounts for personal use in the State Bank of the Republic".

Media: "Leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitskiy introduced the new Acting Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Volodymyr Herasymchuk at a meeting with the heads of administrations of towns and regions. Earlier Gerasymchuk headed the LLC Luhansk regional administration of bus stations".

Media: "The State Committee of taxes and fees of the LPR made an inventory of the newly identified assets of 14 gas stations in the amount of 255 units, the total amount of USD 23 500".

Media: "The scientific study of the Donetsk dialect and its origins began in the Donetsk National University in the framework of the project Donetsk Regional Dialect, which will result in the creation of the dictionary and teaching aids. This was stated by Vyacheslav Terkulov, doctor of philological sciences, professor, the head of the department of Russian language of the Donetsk National University".

Media: "The DPR schools again switched to part-time form of training due to heavy frosts".

Media: "War Ensemble Novorossiya of the LPR People's Militia released its first music album titled "Work, brothers", dedicated to the heroes who fell for the LPR”.