July, 27

Poroshenko told about "road map" concerning "Minsk" which they agreed in Berlin to develop

10/20/2016 02:52:34 pm
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The Foreign Ministers of the "Norman Quartet" will adopt the framework of the "road map" project by the end of November that will be the main instrument for the implementation of the "Minsk agreements" – as of September 5th and a memorandum as of September 19th, 2014 and February 12th, 2015. President Petro Poroshenko said that on October 20th after the meeting in the "Norman format" in Berlin, - reports Ukrainska Pravda.

"We have given the basic directions, which this "road map" should contain: firstly: it is the document on the implementation of the "Minsk agreements"... "Norman format" members agreed on the development and adoption of the "road map" for the implementation of the"Minsk", based on proposals made by Berlin and Paris," - said Poroshenko.

"Not a single document was signed today or was prepared to be signed. "Road map" will include security bloc, political and humanitarian blocs," - said Poroshenko.

He added that "six months ago nobody (in Russia) wanted to hear anything about the "road map", but now after its development and agreement the document will be signed by the leaders of the countries.

"It is noted that all components of the security issues of the Minsk agreements are an integral part of the "road map" and the implementation of the plan. It is, in particular, withdrawal of foreign troops from the occupied territory, unhindered access of the OSCE mission to all the occupied territories, to places of the withdrawn equipment and uncontrolled section of the Ukrainian-Russian border," - said the President.

"We also agreed that no one will interfere with the OSCE's activities and training for the upcoming local elections, when security conditions enable us to hold them. Now we will make an attempt to bring in the OSCE police mission that will ensure the safety of both the electoral process and the transitional period," - said Poroshenko.

At the same time, according to him, the Russian side supported the need for bringing in the OSCE police mission.

"Now we are waiting for the steps of our partners from Germany that chairs in the OSCE - that the matter will be discussed in the OSCE," - said Poroshenko.

"Some issues were discussed separately, in particular preparations for the elections, it was agreed to hold expert-level working groups and work on the concept of electoral legislation, the implementation of Steinmeier formula, which will include the positions that we see as the components in the recognition of the elections as valid," - added the President.

He recalled that withdrawal of all foreign military units before the date of elections had to be the key component.

Poroshenko also noted that there was no alternative to the "Norman format" at that moment and it was discussed during the meeting in Berlin.