September, 8

Implementation of the Minsk process in its current form is a betrayal - MP Nayem

10/12/2016 06:27:59 pm
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Implementation of the Minsk process in its current form is a betrayal of Ukraine. It was written by MP from Poroshenko Bloc Mustafa Nayem on Facebook.

"Minsk" that we are offered is a betrayal of our soldiers. Minsk process, as it turned out, is considered by everyone in a different way. Ukraine - in its own way, Russia - in its own way, the Europeans - in their own way, United States - in their own way. But at the time of signing the agreement Ukraine is only one of the three parties that hourly loses its soldiers at the front," - wrote Nayem.

At the same time, the MP emphasizes that no security guarantees during the anticipated elections in areas occupied by terrorists are provided, neither law enforcement agencies of Ukraine nor the OSCE have access to the border with Russia.

"I have a simple question: do the US and the EU that do not recognize the elections, for example, in peaceful Belarus, are ready to recognize the elections in Donetsk captured by terrorists," - he wrote.

Nayem also expressed the opinion that now Poroshenko and representatives of Ukraine in the Minsk group defended the general interest.

"We must act together to show that "Minsk" failed because of Russia. It is a medical fact which for some reason they decided to turn their blind eye to. If someone has an idea to take violent conditions of "Minsk", I'll be the first one to come out on the streets of Kiev," - he said.