September, 8

We do not communicate with impostors! The Czech Foreign Ministry shrugged off the "DPR authorities" in the country

08/30/2016 02:46:13 pm
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The Czech Republic does not recognize the existence of the "Donetsk People's Republic", in this connection the "DPR" cannot have a diplomatic representation in the Czech Republic. It is stated by the statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic in response to the statement of the "DPR" "officials" on opening a representation of the illegal "republic" in Ostrava.

"The false Donetsk People's Republic cannot have an accredited diplomatic mission in the Czech Republic as the Czech Republic does not recognize its existence, it is not a subject of international law and the Czech Republic has no diplomatic relations with it, therefore, the Czech Republic cannot receive or record their diplomatic representations," - said the statement.

According to the embassy, ​​the organization that some call "a diplomatic mission or an executive center" of the self-proclaimed "DPR" is a registered non-governmental organization in Ostrava that cannot be considered as a diplomatic mission of the state.

"Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have any relationship with the center and will never have," - noted the Czech Ministry.

The Ministry also reported that it was checking information regarding allegations that the president of the Czech People's Militia organization Nela Liskova would become "honorary consul of the DPR".

"If it is confirmed that she uses this title for her popularization, the Foreign Ministry will appeal through official channels that she should immediately cease using this definition," - said the statement.

Separatist media announced the grand opening of the "executive center of the DPR" in the Czech Republic on September 1st. The "DPR" reported that it was the first "officially registered establishment" in the European Union.