July, 27

Frontal Avdeyevka experienced a hard night: there are victims and destruction

08/18/2016 03:10:29 pm
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Two soldiers were killed and 6 were injured with different degrees of severity as a result of night fighting in the area of Avdeyevka, - reports 06236website with the reference to members of the military observer mission.

Town’s residents started to hear shots and explosions already ar five o'clock on Wednesday and then signals of the ambulance. Active hostilities resumed after a short break. At about half past ten at night residents of the private sector reported that they went to basements and cellars by phone and in social networks for security purposes. Windows were shaking and car alarm systems activated in the multi-storey part of the city due to salvo fire/explosions.

According to members of the military observer mission in Avdeyevka, 2 soldiers were killed and 6 were injured with different degrees of severity due to the night shelling.

"The shells fell in the gardens, courtyards, road - all this has led to serious damage of the facades, glazing, outbuildings and fences. It became known about artillery hits at the bell tower of the church in the Krasnaya Str.," - reports the website.

The power line in Kolosova Str. Was damaged due to shelling. At the moment a team of electricians is working there. Light in the homes of that area of Avdeyevka will be restored soon.

Police, military and the OSCE went to the accident site.