October, 24

Lavrov said he did not see the need to severe diplomatic relations with Ukraine

08/15/2016 02:37:30 pm
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Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said he did not see the need to severe diplomatic relations with Ukraine. Lavrov said that on Monday at the press conference after talks with German Foreign Minister in Yekaterinburg, - informs Interfax.

"I do not think that someone is interested in severing diplomatic relations (between Russia and Ukraine) in the current situation. It is an extreme measure," - said Lavrov.

Earlier Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that the decision to severe diplomatic relations with Ukraine could be taken by Russia, if there were no other tools for Moscow "to sober" Kiev.

He recalled that after the events in South Ossetia in August 2008 diplomatic relations with Georgia were severed, but stressed that the final decision would be taken by the President.