February, 11

Akhmetov launches new equipment for 6.5 million in frontline Avdeyevka Coke Plant

08/08/2016 02:05:25 pm
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Metinvest launches new environmental equipment in ACP. It is stated by the press release.

It is noted that Avdeyevka Coke Plant (ACP) of Metinvest Group launches thermo-catalytic burner facility which is designed to reduce emissions of pollutants from the coal pitch processing shop of thze enterprise. Investment into the project amounst to about 6.5 million UAH.

Despite the attacks in the area, ACP is launching facility for catalytic neutralization of air emissions. This is one of the most modern facilities of thia type in the country.

"The essence of the facility work is simple: contaminated air enters a special heat exchanger and is heated to the required temperature, then it goes directly to the catalyst. Complete process of decomposition of organic compounds into carbon dioxide and water takes place there. As a result, only safe substances get into the environment," - said the statement.

It is reported that specialist from Zaporozhye Promteploekopomosch company are engaged in commissioning of the thermal-catalytic facility. Its launch is scheduled for the second half of August.

"The new equipment oft he ACP bis designed to increase significantly environmental safety of the enterprise - now 99% of exhaust gas are  cleared," - said General Director of Metinvest Group Yuriy Rizhenkov.