According to russian "war correspondent" Yuriy Podolyaka on Telegram, Ukrainian forces have managed to push back russian troops and establish control over a significant portion of the border area in the Kursk oblast of russia during the ongoing "special military operation".
"The enemy is clearly probing our positions… and there are expected to be fierce battles around the outskirts of Sudzha", - he notes.
Podolyaka claims that up to two battalions with armored vehicles, well-protected by short-range air defense systems, have entered russian territory. He also mentions that up to one full mechanized brigade is stationed in the border area as a nearby reserve.
The russian command is urgently reinforcing its positions by redeploying troops to the breakthrough site. Judging by their actions, it is evident that the strength of the attack and the assessment of potential danger in this area were clearly underestimated.