September, 8

Azov and Bureviy brigades advanced 1 km in depth and 2 km along the front

06/17/2024 10:35:00 am
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The Azov and Bureviy brigades have advanced 1 km in depth and 2 km along the front. This was reported by the Azov brigade on Telegram on June 16.

"The 12th Special Purpose Brigade 'Azov', in conjunction with the 1st Rapid Response Brigade 'Bureviy' of the National Guard of Ukraine, conducted offensive operations in the Serebrianske Forestry on April 21. As a result of their joint actions, the brigades advanced 1 km in depth and 2 km along the front, completing one of the stages of their offensive operations in this direction", - the message states.

"We ask the media and the public not to create an information frenzy and not to report details of the Defense Forces' progress without official confirmation from the media services of the 12th Azov Brigade and the 1st Bureviy Brigade. Success loves silence!", - the soldiers urge.

As previously reported, Azov fighters pushed the russians from their positions in the Serebrianske Forestry in the Luhansk oblast.