July, 27

Germany wonders why Ukraine, contrary to international law, trades with the "DPR" and "LPR"

06/29/2016 09:38:57 pm
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Germany is surprised that in spite of the decision of the Verkhovna Rada and prevailing international practice, trade between Ukraine and the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions beyond the control is booming. It is stated by the journalistic investigation of Deutsche Welle.

The newspaper reminds that the decision of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the temporarily occupied territories of Luhansk and Donetsk regions" came into force in March 2015.

"According to international law, it is not allowed to have economic relations with the territories in such a status. Officially Ukraine does not conduct trade with the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. But unofficial trade still goes on," – write the authors.

So, the fact of trade with the self-proclaimed "LPR" and "DPR" was also confirmed by Deputy Minister of Ukraine on the temporarily occupied territories and displaced persons Georgiy Tuka in his interview with DW.

Tuka said that, according to the mobile units to counter smuggling, trucks with goods for 70-80 million hryvnia cross temporary demarcation line with the "DPR" and "LPR".

"It's about a billion a year, but the real figure is, in my opinion, much higher, - says the official - because it is impossible to cover all places of smuggling the goods."

Representatives of the structures which should prevent smuggling get the benefits, first of all, - he said. According to him, they can be soldiers, border guards, employees of the SSU and tax service. "All who under normal circumstances ought to counteract corruption and smuggling," - says Tuka.