December, 26

Militant from Gorlovka enjoys shelling and boasts how he makes his unarmed fellows to dig trenches with hands

06/14/2016 11:07:15 pm
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Militant from Gorlovka Alexey Petrov who writes on Facebook under the name of Israel Katzman enjoys renewed shelling because this way you can identify those who do not want to "protect" the city. Local Gorlovka.ua website writes about that.

"Today after the funeral of Sergeant I suddenly understood ... That I'm glad because of the renewal of shelling ... So glad," - wrote Petrov.

He remembered how the locals left the city in 2014 and he made his unarmed fellows to dig trenches with hands.

"Burly men in expensive cars with chains on their bully sweaty necks yelled at snotty girl at the checkpoint .... I remember that I threw them out of their cars and ordered to give out a shovel, as there were no shovels and they were digging trenches by hand. Then we released them .... And now they're back, felt masters of life…Found profit from smuggling ... But then they again shelling in the city... I know, they will run .... But run already as genuine refugees ... Every creature of military age will be in a panic to flee from the city on foot ... with the same favourite Ukrainian passport on the edge .... And yet .... a refugee is a refugee," - wrote the militant.

Prior to the Russian Spring Alexey Petrov worked as a journalist in one of the Gorlovka websites that is reported to be linked to the so-called "observer" Armen Sarkisyan. Officially Sarkisyan was Vice President of boxing federation of Gorlovka. Media wrote about "close acquaintance" of Sarkisyan with Yanukovych’s friend and compatriot Yuriy Ivanyushchenko.